I like things to be clear – and I found Bitbucket’s teams, groups, permissions etc a bit confusing. So, after a big look, here’s my notes:

  • Are owned by a user or a team.
  • Users can be granted read/write/admin access to a repo.
  • Groups can be granted read/write/admin access to a repo.
  • I think I can only grant group rights to groups I’m either in or in teams I’m admin of.


  • Members can be added to a team.
  • Members must be in one or more groups.


  • Are created in a team.
  • Team members must be in at least one group.
  • Are given access of read/write/admin to repos.
  • Are given team permissions to manage/create repos/none for the team.
  • Are given default permissions for new repos (which can be changed after).

Hope these basic points help!